Saturday, September 17, 2011

Who Are My Favorite Teams?

Some of you may or may not know it but this is Nebraska's first year in the Big Ten. They came from the Big 12 and I have to say, it is hard to drop the old rivalries. I'm still hoping that certain Big 12 Teams get taken down.
I have a shirt that says "My two favorite teams are Nebraska and whoever plays K-State." I didn't see K-State as a huge rival, nor Kansas, Missouri and a few others. Not to say these teams have not beat Nebraska at some time or another. Sorry to my K-State friends.
So I need to purchase about 10 to 15 new shirts and they will read as follows:

My Favorite Team Is Whoever Plays Texas . . . sorry DP
My Favorite Team is Whoever Plays Oklahoma
My Favorite Team is Whoever Plays Colorado
My Favorite Team is Whoever Plays Iowa
My Favorite Team is Whoever Plays Iowa State
My Favorite Team is Whoever Plays Notre Dame
My Two Favorite Teams Are Nebraska and Whoever Plays Ohio State
My Two Favorite Teams Are Nebraska and Whoever Plays Penn State
My Two Favorite Teams Are Nebraska and Whoever Plays Michigan
My Two Favorite Teams Are Nebraska and Whoever Plays Wisconsin
My Two Favorite Teams Are Nebraska and Whoever Plays Minnesota

All in fun, of course.

I know who the powerhouse teams are and I appreciate spirit and drive by college teams. I dislike ugliness and I have seen if from Colorado (spitting on player), Iowa who will disrespect you if you wear red to Iowa. Don't challenge me on Iowa or Iowa State cuz I have numerous examples. Oklahoma it just goes without saying.
I know there are a few rogue Husker fans that are hotheads or just plain idiots. They've yelled at the Nebraska players. Idiots.
In the end just remember these players are still kids who attend college And play football. In my opinion, education comes first, football comes second. And if these kids came to Nebraska or whatever on a scholarship or in hopes of going pro, so be it.
Don't be ugly; it's only a game.

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