Saturday, September 17, 2011

Nebraska vs Washington at Half Time

Half Time. Nebraska goes into the locker room with 20 to 17. My perception of the game is a lot of sloppiness. Washington. The Cornhuskers. The Officials. Too many penalties and we all know those come back to bite you in the butt.
Even I know that penalties don't win games. Stop Nebraska. Washington carry on.
However, the officials? What is up with the confusion? Maybe when you're doling out penalties get the right jersey number. Or possibly wear glasses? Or ask another official?
Was that 84 or I meant number 88 and that was for Washington.
Earlier they called a penalty on the NE player who tackled the Husky around the ankles and the officials said he had a facemask - 15 yards. Wow, sign that guy to the NBA cuz he has a long reach.
The Huskies will come out and get the ball after the half. Come on Nebraska, don't let them march up and down the field. DEFENSE!!

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