Saturday, September 24, 2011

50 College Football Teams, Players and Coaches You Want To Hate

I watched a little bit of college football today--Notre Dame was playing and I can't remember who their opponent was. My interest was solely that I wanted ND to lose and I didn't care who they played. Unfortunately, I flipped through channels and did not see the game to the end.
So then I'm scanning through websites searching for information about my favorite college team, Nebraska and my attention was caught by the following article . . .

50 College Football Teams, Coaches and Players that you want to hate. Surely, Nebraska couldn't be on that list. Unfortunately, halfway through to my amazement--NE is on the list for leaving the Big 12 Conference. Colleges do what they have to do as long as it's not illegal or is good for the athletic program. Honestly, I don't know the entire reason Nebraska left but I'm pretty sure it had to do with money and more television time.
Teams that I dislike are on the list more than once. So I don't feel bad for disliking the college teams as others feel the same as I.
What provokes a football fan to feel that way? For me, I would say it is the arrogance of the coach and the way the team struts onto the field. Also, and maybe to their benefit, this team that I dislike wins games. All the time. I think I feel envy and some resentment that they use trick plays and grudgingly admit they may have a strong program with great players. That is hard to admit.
A week or so ago I was caught up in a passionate chat on the teams' facebook page (the team I dislike) for what I saw on the field as I wished they lost their game. The fans responded back to me by name calling and proceeded to dredge up actions that happened to Nebraska off the field. It was then that I realized that it wasn't worth the discussion.
Name calling is not necessary and other references were futile.
I have never gone to a Nebraska game and stared down the fans. I've had it happen to me at opponents' football stadiums. There was a time I was afraid for my safety.
So as I end this post, I wonder why we feel so much that passion for "our" team? When I find out--I'll let you know.
Or comment below with your thoughts.

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